Editorial: Altneueland – European Law Open Published by Cambridge University Press: Welcome; In This Issue; In This Issue – Reviews (free fulltext)
Hsien-Li Tan, Intergovernmental Yet Dynamically Expansive: Concordance Legalization as an Alternative Regional Trading Arrangement in ASEAN and Beyond (Hsien-Li Tan abstract) (free fulltext)
Michael Ramsden, Strategic Litigation before the International Court of Justice: Evaluating Impact in the Campaign for Rohingya Rights (Michael Ramsden abstract) (free fulltext)
EJIL: Debate Reply!
Thomas D Grant, F Scott Kieff, Behavioural Economics and ISDS Reform: A Response to Maria Laura Marceddu and Pietro Ortolani (F Scott Kieff abstract) (free fulltext)
Armin Steinbach, Are the Fingerprints of WTO Staff on Panel Rulings a Problem? A Reply to Joost Pauwelyn and Krzysztof Pelc (Armin Steinbach abstract) (free fulltext)
Aleydis Nissen, Not That Assertive: The EU’s Take on Enforcement of Labour Obligations in Its Free Trade Agreement with South Korea (Aleydis Nissen abstract) (free fulltext)
Ching-Fu Lin, Yoshiko Naiki, An SPS Dispute without Science? The Case and the Dichotomy of Science/Non-Science Obligations under the SPS Agreement (Yoshiko Naiki abstract) (free fulltext)