Bernhard Knoll, From Benchmarking to Final Status? Kosovo and The Problem of an International Administration's Open-Ended Mandate (Bernhard Knoll abstract) (free fulltext)
Symposium : Foreign Occupation and International Law
Steven R. Ratner, Foreign Occupation and International Territorial Administration: The Challenges of Convergence (Steven R. Ratner abstract) (free fulltext)
William Abresch, A Human Rights Law of Internal Armed Conflict: The European Court of Human Rights in Chechnya (William Abresch abstract) (free fulltext)
Erika de Wet. The Chapter VII Powers of the United Nations Security Council. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004. Pp. xviii + 412, including Table of Cases and Index. ISBN 1-84113-422-8.
, M.a Eugenia Lopez-Jacoiste Diaz. Actualidad del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas: La legalidad de sus decisiones y el problema de su control. Madrid: Editorial Civitas, 2003. Pp. 396. ISBN 84-470-2081-9.
, Linos-Alexander Sicilianos. H E{xi}o{upsilon}{sigma}{iota}o{delta}o{tau}{eta}{sigma}{eta} {tau}o{upsilon} {Sigma}{upsilon}{micro}{beta}o{upsilon}{lambda}""o{upsilon} A{sigma}{varphi}{alpha}{lambda}""""{alpha}{varsigma} {tau}o
(Aristotle Constantinides free fulltext)
David Raic. Statehood & the Law of Self-Determination. Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2002. Pp. 515. ISBN 904111890x.
(Joshua Castellino free fulltext)
Wolfram Wormuth. Die Bedeutung des Europarechts fur die Entwicklung des Volkerrechts (The Significance of European Law for the Development of Public International Law). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004. Pp. 408. {euro}64 (paperback). ISBN 3-631-51943-5
(Sigmar Stadlmeier free fulltext)
Jukka Viljanen. The European Court of Human Rights as a Developer of the General Doctrines of Human Rights Law. A Study of the Limitations Clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, 2003. Pat 342. Bibliography. {euro
(Jonas Christoffersen free fulltext)
Current developments
Joel Trachtman, Decisions of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (free fulltext)