Issue Vol. 16 (2005) No. 4


Symposium : Foreign Occupation and International Law

Review Essay

Book Reviews

  • Erika de Wet. The Chapter VII Powers of the United Nations Security Council. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004. Pp. xviii + 412, including Table of Cases and Index. ISBN 1-84113-422-8. , M.a Eugenia Lopez-Jacoiste Diaz. Actualidad del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas: La legalidad de sus decisiones y el problema de su control. Madrid: Editorial Civitas, 2003. Pp. 396. ISBN 84-470-2081-9. , Linos-Alexander Sicilianos. H E{xi}o{upsilon}{sigma}{iota}o{delta}o{tau}{eta}{sigma}{eta} {tau}o{upsilon} {Sigma}{upsilon}{micro}{beta}o{upsilon}{lambda}""o{upsilon} A{sigma}{varphi}{alpha}{lambda}""""{alpha}{varsigma} {tau}o (Aristotle Constantinides)
  • David Raic. Statehood & the Law of Self-Determination. Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2002. Pp. 515. ISBN 904111890x. (Joshua Castellino)
  • Wolfram Wormuth. Die Bedeutung des Europarechts fur die Entwicklung des Volkerrechts (The Significance of European Law for the Development of Public International Law). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004. Pp. 408. {euro}64 (paperback). ISBN 3-631-51943-5 (Sigmar Stadlmeier)
  • Jukka Viljanen. The European Court of Human Rights as a Developer of the General Doctrines of Human Rights Law. A Study of the Limitations Clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, 2003. Pat 342. Bibliography. {euro (Jonas Christoffersen)

Current developments

  • Joel Trachtman,
    Decisions of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (free fulltext)