Detlev F. Vagts, International Relations Looks at Customary International Law: A Traditionalist's Defence (Detlev F. Vagts abstract) (free fulltext)
Ward Ferdinandusse, The Interaction of National and International Approaches in the Repression of International Crimes (free fulltext)
Book Reviews
Lessons and Legacies vol. V: The Holocaust and JusticeThe Memory of Judgment: Making Law and History in the Trials of the Holocaust
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From Kosovo to Kabul: Human Rights and International InterventionIs Intervention Humanitarian? Protecting Human Rights and Democracy Abroad
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Title to Territory in International Law. A Temporal AnalysisL’ordre international entre légalité et effectivité. Le titre juridique dans le contentieux territorial
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Christina Voigt, Review: Conflicts in International Environmental Law (free fulltext)
Book Reviews
Methods of Resolving Conflicts between TreatiesConflicts in International Environmental Law
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