Frédéric Mégret, Epilogue to an Endless Debate: The International Criminal Court's Third Party Jurisdiction and the Looming Revolution of International Law (Frédéric Mégret abstract) (free fulltext)
Stephen Hall, The Persistent Spectre: Natural Law, International Order and the Limits of Legal Positivism (Stephen Hall abstract) (free fulltext)
Philip Alston, Charging for Access to International Law Treaty Information: Time for the UN to Rethink a Perverse Initiative (Philip Alston abstract) (free fulltext)
Current developments
Marius Bordalba, ew Sundberg, The International Practice of the European Communities International Trade Developments, Including Commercial Defence Actions XVI: 1 January 1999-31 December 1999 (free fulltext)
Monica Feria Tinta, Due Process and the Right to Life in the Context of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Arguing the LaGrand Case (free fulltext)