Pierre-Marie Dupuy, International Law: Torn between Coexistence, Cooperation and Globalization. General Conclusions (Pierre-Marie Dupuy abstract) (free fulltext)
The European Tradition in International Law : Hans Kelsen
Anthony Carty, The Continuing Influence of Kelsen on the General Perception of the Discipline of International Law (Anthony Carty abstract) (free fulltext)
Norberto Bobbio, Danilo Zolo, Hans Kelsen, the Theory of Law and the International Legal System: A Talk (free fulltext)
Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Eduardo Jimenéz de Arechaga, Oscar Schachter, Personal Recollections (free fulltext)
Nicoletta Bersier Ladavac, Hans Kelsen (1881-1973) Biographical Note and Bibliography (free fulltext)
Current developments
Folkert Graafsma, Sofia Alves, International Trade Developments, Including Commercial Defence Actions, in the European Communities: 1 January 1997-31 June 1997 (free fulltext)
Review Essay
Martti Koskenniemi, Repetition as Reform: Georges Abi-Saab Cours General de droit international public (free fulltext)
Review Essay
Steven R. Ratner, Judging the Past: State Practice and the Law of Accountability (free fulltext)
Book Reviews
Corinne Packer. The Right to Reproductive Choice: A Study in International Law
(Jarmila Looks free fulltext)
William M, Jr. Tuttle. `Daddy's Gone to War': The Second World War in the Lives of America's Children
(Jeffrey K. Walker free fulltext)
Thomas W. Wälde. The Energy Charter Treaty: An East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade
(James Bell free fulltext)