Fabrizio Pagani, A New Gear in the CFSP Machinery: Integration of the Petersberg Tasks in the Treaty on European Union (Fabrizio Pagani abstract) (free fulltext)
Shirley V. Scott, International Lawyers: Handmaidens, Chefs, or Birth Attendants? A Response to Philip Alston (Shirley V. Scott abstract) (free fulltext)
Current developments
Faiza Patel King, Anne-Marie La Rosa, Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (free fulltext)
Constanze Schulte, Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: Order Issued in the Case concerning the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v. United States of America) (free fulltext)
James (Sákéj) Youngblood Henderson. The Míkmaw Concordat
, Veronica Brady. Can These Bones Live?
, John M. MacKenzie. Imperialism and Popular Culture
(Larissa Behrendt free fulltext)
Stephan Hobe. Der offene Verfassungsstaat zwischen Souveränität und Interdependenz. Eine Studie zur Wandlung des Staasbegriffs der deutschsprachigen Staatslehre im Kontext internationaler institutionalisierter Kooperation
(Daniel-Erasmus Khan free fulltext)
J.C. Duursma. Fragmentation and the International Relations of Micro-States: Self-Determination and Statehood
(Dave Carter free fulltext)
Paul van den Bempt, Greet Theelen. From Europe Agreements to Accession: The Integration of the Central and Eastern European Countries into the European Union
(Hans-Peter Folz free fulltext)
Howard Charles Yourow. The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Dynamics of the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence
(Siobhan McInerney free fulltext)
Donatienne de Bruyn, Sebastien Depre, Michel Kaiser, Pierre Lambert, Bruno Lambaert, Marc Verdussen. Les Exceptions Preliminaires dans la Convention europeene des droits de l'homme
(Siobhan Mclnerney free fulltext)
Albertina Albros-Llorens. Private Parties in European Community law - Challenging Community Measures
(Siobhan Mclnerney free fulltext)