Issue Vol. 7 (1996) No. 1


  • Outi Korhonen,
    New International Law: Silence, Defence or Deliverance? (free fulltext)
  • Vladlen S. Vereshchet,
    New Constitutions and the Old Problem of the Relationship between International Law and National Law (free fulltext)
  • Jean-Marc Sorel,
    Sur quelques aspects juridiques de la conditionnalite du F.M.I. et leurs consequences (free fulltext)
  • Andrea Gattin,
    Restitution by Russia of Works of Art Removed from German Territory at the End of the Second World War (free fulltext)


  • Aeyal M. Gros,
    Reinforcing the New Democracies: The European Convention on Human Rights and the Former Communist Countries - A Study of the Case Law (free fulltext)
  • Reich Norbert,
    Judge-made 'Europe a la carte': Some Remarks on Recent Conflicts between European and German Constitutional Law Provoked by the Banana Litigation (free fulltext)

The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey

  • Christoph Vedder, Hans-Peter Folz,
    A Survey of Principal Decisions of the European Court of Justice Pertaining to International Law in 1994 (free fulltext)

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

  • C. Neal Tate, Torbjörn Vallinder. The Global Expansion of Judicial Power (Ulrich R Haltern)
  • Ingo Winkelmann. Das Maasstricht-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgeritchs vom Oktober 1993 (Ulrich R. Haltern)
  • Steffens Mechthild, Alexander Uschakow. Die deutsche Frage in der juristischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Literatur des Auslandes seit 1980 (Henri Etienne)
  • Wolfgang Seiffert. Die Verträge zwischen Deutchland und seinen östlichen Nachbarn (Henri Etienne)
  • James R. Holbein, Donald J. Musch. NAFTA Final Text, Summary, Legislative History & Implementation Directory , Philip Raworth, Linda C. Reif. The Law of the WTO , Joseph J Norton,, Thomas L. Bloodworth, Terry K. Pennington. NAFTA and Beyond , Frederick M. Abbott. Law and Policy of Regional Integration: The NAFTA and Western Hemispheric Integration in the World Trade Organization System (JHH W)
  • David W.K. Anderson. References to the European Court (JHH W)
  • James Boyle. Critical Legal Studies (JHH W)
  • Ian Brownlie. Basic Documents in International Law (4th ed.) (JHH W)
  • Paul Craig, Gràinne de Bùrca. EC Law - Text, Cases & Materials (JHH W)
  • Finn Laursen, Sophie Vanhoonacker. Book NotesThe Ratification of the Maastricht Treaty (JHH W)