Symposium : The Dayton Agreements: A Breakthrough for Peace and Justice?
Paola Gaeta, The Dayton Agreements and International Law (free fulltext)
Niccoló Figà-Talamanca, The Role of NATO in the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina (free fulltext)
Sienho Yee, The New Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (free fulltext)
Elizabeth Andersen, The Role of Asylum States in Promoting Safe and Peaceful Repatriation under the Dayton Agreements (free fulltext)
James Slaon, The Dayton Peace Agreement: Human Rights Guarantees and their Implementation (free fulltext)
Symposium : The Dayton Agreements: A Breakthrough for Peace and Justice?
John R.W.D. Jones, The Implications of the Peace Agreement for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (free fulltext)
Symposium : The International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia Comes of Age
Jose E. Alvarez, Nuremberg Revisited: The Tadic Case (free fulltext)
Christoper Greenwood, International Humanitarian Law and the Tadic Case (free fulltext)
Rafaëlle Maison, La decision de la Chambre de premiere instance n{degrees} I du Tribunal penal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie dans l'affaire Nikolic (free fulltext)
The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey
Edwin Vermuslt, Bart Driessen, Commercial Defence Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities X: 1 January 1,995 - 31 December 1995 (free fulltext)