Derek C. Smith, Beyond Indeterminacy and Self-Contradiction in Law: Transnational Abductions and Treaty Interpretation in U.S. v. Alvarez-Machain (free fulltext)
The European Tradition in International Law : Alfred Verdross
Bruno Simma, The Contribution of Alfred Verdross to the Theory of International Law (free fulltext)
Antonio Truyol y Serra, Verdross et la theorie du droit (free fulltext)
Benedetto Conforti, The Theory of Competence in Verdross (free fulltext)
Anthony Carty, Alfred Verdross and Othmar Spann: German Romantic Nationalism, National Socialism and International Law (free fulltext)
Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, Recollections of Alfred Verdross (free fulltext)
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Luisa Vierucci, The First Steps of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (free fulltext)
Carlos Fernandez de Casadevante Romani. La protección del medio ambiente en derecho internacional, derecho comunitario europeo y derecho español
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L. Campiglio, L. Pineschi, D. Siniscalco Treves. The Environment After Rio. International Law and Economics
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Hazel Fox, Michael A. Meyer. Armed Conflict and the New Law. Effecting Compliance (Vol. II)
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Theodor Baums, Richard M. Buxbaum, Klaus J. Hopt. Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance
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Michael R. Horten, Philippe Sarrailhé. Les Joint-Ventures Franco -Américaines (Aspects juridiques et fiscaux de l'établissement d'une filiale commune aux U.S.A.)
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Edward McWhinney. Judge Shigeru Oda and the Progressive Development of International Law
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Stephen Weatherill, Paul Beaumont. EC Law - The Essential Guide to the Legal Workings of the European Community
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Dennis Campbell, Charles Flint. 1993: The European Market: Myth or Reality?
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Sven Norberg, Karin Hökborg, Martin Johansson, Dan Eliasson, Lucien Dedichen. The European Economic Area EEA Law. A Commentary on the EEA Agreement
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Symposium : The World Trade Organization and the European Union
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, The Transformation of the World Trading System through the 1994 Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (free fulltext)
Pieter J. Kuijper, The Conclusion and Implementation of the Uruguay Round Results by the European Community (free fulltext)
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Rafaëlle Maison, Les premiers cas d'application des dispositions penales des Conventions de Geneve par les juridictions internes (free fulltext)
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The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey
Edwin Vermulst, Bart Driessen, Commercial Defence Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities IX: 1 July 1994 - 31 December 1994 (free fulltext)
The United Nations Jubilee Issue
Stanley Hoffmann, Thoughts on the UN at Fifty (free fulltext)
The United Nations Jubilee Issue
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Maurice Bertrand, The UN as an Organization. A Critique of its Functioning (free fulltext)
Thomas M. Franck, The Secretary-General's Role in Conflict Resolution: Past, Present and Pure Conjecture (free fulltext)
Luigi Condorelli, La Cour internationale de justice: 50 ans et (pour l'heure) pas une ride (free fulltext)
Alain Pellet, La formation du droit international dans le cadre des Nations Unies (free fulltext)
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Giovanni Sartori. Comparative Constitutional Engineering. An Inquiry into Structures, Incentives and Outcomes
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Willem Molle. The Economics of European Integration. Theory, Practice, Policy (2nd ed.)
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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , EU Phare Programme . Investors' environmental guidelines. Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania
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T.C. Hartley. The Foundations of European Community v Law (3rd ed.)
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