Symposium : Recent Developments in the Practice of State Recognition
Roland Rich, Recognition of States: The Collapse of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union (free fulltext)
Danilo Türk, Recognition of States: A Comment (free fulltext)
Thomas Gehring, Markus Jachtenfuchs, Liability for Transboundary Environmental Damage Towards a General Liability Regime? (free fulltext)
Axel Berg, The 1991 Declaration on Fact-finding by the United Nations (free fulltext)
Antonio Tanca, The Public Statement on Turkey by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (free fulltext)
Book Reviews
Roger Blanpain. Labour Law and Industrial Relations of the European Union, Maastricht and beyond: from a Community to a Union
(Brian Bercusson free fulltext)
Vincent Coussirat-Coustère, Pierre Michel Eisemann. Répertoire de la Jurisprudence arbitrale internationale - Repertory of International Arbitral Jurisprudence
(René-Jean Dupuy free fulltext)
Dennis Campbell, David A. Garbus. Mergers and acquisitions: Meeting Challenges in Europe and North America after 1992
(Bruno Dupré free fulltext)
Eyal Benvenisti, Judicial Misgivings Regarding the Application of International Law: An Analysis of Attitudes of National Courts (free fulltext)
Bernhard Graefrath, Leave to the Court What Belongs to the Court The Libyan Case (free fulltext)
Symposium : The East Timor Case before the International Court of Justice
Christine M. Chinkin, East Timor Moves into the World Court (free fulltext)
Maria Clara Maffei, The Case of East Timor before the International Court of Justice-Some Tentative Comments (free fulltext)
Rachel Frid, The European Economic Community A Member of a Specialized Agency of the United Nations (free fulltext)
Sebastian Bohr, Sanctions by the United Nations Security Council and the European Community (free fulltext)
Burkhard Heß, The International Law Commission's Draft Convention on the Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property (free fulltext)
The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey
Edwin Vermulst, Folkert Graafsma, Commercial Defence Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities: 1 July 1992-31 December 1992 (free fulltext)
Ulrich Fastenrath, Relative Normativity in International Law (free fulltext)
Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, The Relationship Between Reprisals and Denunciation or Suspension of a Treaty (free fulltext)
Ralf Alleweldt, Protection Against Expulsion Under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (free fulltext)
Peter H. Sand, International Environmental Law After Rio (free fulltext)
Renate Platzöder, Substantive Changes in a Multilateral Treaty Before its Entry into Force: The Case of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (free fulltext)
Sergei A. Voitovich, The Commonwealth of Independent States: An Emerging Institutional Model (free fulltext)
The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey
Barbara Brandtner, Hans-Peter Folz, A Survey of Principal Decisions of the European Court of Justice Pertaining to International Law in 1991-92 (free fulltext)
Christoph Schreuer, The Waning of the Sovereign State: Towards a New Paradigm for International-Law? (free fulltext)
Detlev F. Vagts, Treaty Interpretation and the New American Ways of Law Reading (free fulltext)
Olivier Corten et Pierre Klein, L'autorisation de recourir a la force a des fins humanitaires: droit d'ingerence ou retour aux sources? (free fulltext)
Grigory Tunkin, Is General International Law Customary Law Only? (free fulltext)
Forum : Towards Peace in the Middle East?
Eyal Benvenisti, The Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles: A Framework for Future Settlement (free fulltext)
Raja Shihadeh, Can the Declaration of Principles Bring About a 'Just and Lasting Peace'? (free fulltext)
Antonio Cassese, The Israel-PLO Agreement and Self-Determination (free fulltext)
The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey
Edwin Vermulst, Folkert Graafsma, Commercial Defence Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities: 1 January 1993-30 June 1993 (free fulltext)