Issue Vol. 2 (1991) No. 2


  • Richard Plender,
    Rules of Procedure in the International Court and the European Court (free fulltext)
  • Frédéric Sudre,
    Droit communautaire et liberte d'information au sens de la Convention europeenne des droits de l'homme (free fulltext)
  • Eibe Riedel,
    Standards and Sources. Farewell to the Exclusivity of the Sources Triad in International Law? (free fulltext)

Symposium : The Gulf War and its Aftermath

  • Christian Dominicé,
    La securite collective et la crise du Golfe (free fulltext)
  • Benedetto Conforti,
    Non-Coercive Sanctions in the United Nations Charter: Some Lessons from the Gulf War (free fulltext)

Symposium : The Gulf War and its Aftermath

  • Peter Malanczuk,
    The Kurdish Crisis and Allied Intervention in the Aftermath of the Second Gulf War (free fulltext)


  • Zdzislaw Kedzia,
    The Place of Human Rights Treaties in the Polish Legal Order (free fulltext)
  • Antonio Cassese,
    Can the Notion of Inhuman and Degrading Treatment be Applied to Socio-Economic Conditions? (free fulltext)

The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey

  • Edwin Vermulst, Folkert Graafsma,
    Commercial Defence Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities: 1 July 1990 - 30 June 1991 (free fulltext)
  • José M. de Areilza,
    A Survey of Principal Decisions of the European Court of Justice Pertaining to International Law in 1990-91 (free fulltext)