Martti Koskenniemi, The Politics of International Law (free fulltext)
Rein A. Mullerson, Human Rights and the Individual as Subject of International Law: A Soviet View (free fulltext)
Benedetto Conforti, Angelo Labella, Invalidity and Termination of Treaties: The Role of National Courts (free fulltext)
Bernhard Graefrath, Universal Criminal Jurisdiction and an International Criminal Court (free fulltext)
Symposium : The European Community as an International Actor
Meinhard Hilf, The Single European Act and 1992: Legal Implications for Third Countries (free fulltext)
Ivo Van Bael, EEC Anti-Dumping Enforcement: An Overview of Current Problems (free fulltext)
Roland Bieber, Democratic Control of European Foreign Policy (free fulltext)
Peter Bruckner, The European Community and the United Nations (free fulltext)
The European Tradition in International Law : Georges Scelle
Hubert Thierry, The Thought of Georges Scelle (free fulltext)
Antonio Cassese, Remarks on Scelle's Theory of "Role Splitting" (dedoublement fonctionnet) in International Law (free fulltext)
Luigi Condorelli, Scholie sur I'idiome scellien des manuels francophones de droit international public (free fulltext)
René-Jean Dupuy, Images de Georges Scelle (free fulltext)
Antonio Tanca, Georges Scelle (1878 - 1961) Biographical note with bibliography (free fulltext)
Günther Handl, International Efforts to Protect the Global Atmosphere: A Case of Too Little, Too Late? (free fulltext)
Francesco Francioni, Resource Sharing in Antarctica: For Whose Benefit? (free fulltext)
Antonio Tanca, Human Rights, Terrorism and Police Custody: The Brogan Case (free fulltext)
Paul Tavernier, Le caractere obligatoire de la resolution 598 (1987) du conseil de securite relative a la guerre du golfe (free fulltext)
Theo Öhlinger, Austria and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (free fulltext)
Pierre-Henri Imbert, La reforme de la procedure devant les organes de controle de la Convention europeenne des Droits de l'Homme: quelques observations prospectives (free fulltext)
Forum : The Algiers Declaration on Palestine
Francis A. Boyle, The Creation of the State of Palestine (free fulltext)
James Crawford, The Creation of the State of Palestine: Too Much Too Soon? (free fulltext)
Forum : The GDR Declaration on the UN Convention against Torture
Massimo Coccia, A Controversial Declaration on the U.N. Convention Against Torture (free fulltext)
Manfred Mohr, The German Democratic Republic's Declaration on the Anti-Torture Convention and its Consequences: an Attempt at Evaluation (free fulltext)
The International Practice of the European Communities Current Survey (July 1987-July 1989)
Edwin Vermulst, Commercial Defense Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities: 1 July 1988 - 30 June 1989 (free fulltext)
Christoph Vedder, A Survey of Principal Decisions of the European Court of Justice Pertaining to International Law (free fulltext)
Renaud Dehousse, European Political Cooperation 1 July 1987 - 31 December 1988 (free fulltext)