The International Practice of the European Communities : Current Survey
Commercial Defence Actions and Other International Trade Developments in the European Communities II: 1 July 1989 - 30 June 1990
This is the second in a series of annual reports on developments in the area of EC international trade law.2 It covers developments that occurred during the period 1 July 1989 to 30 June 1990.
Like its predecessor, the report is organized by subject matter, according to the following template:
1. Dumping
1.1. General Developments
1.2. Administrative Determinations
1.3. Court Cases
2. Other Trade Protection Laws
2.1. Countervailing Duties
2.2. Safeguards
2.3. New Commercial Policy Instrument
2.4. Unfair Pricing Practices in Maritime Transport
2.5. Counterfeiting
3. Miscellaneous
4. Appendix: Anti-Dumping Decisions and Regulations
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