Bernard H. Oxman, The Rule of Law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (free fulltext)
Olivier de Schutter, Sur l'emergence de la societe civile en droit international : le role des associations devant la Cour europeenne des drits de l'homme (free fulltext)
Steve Peers, Living in Sin: Legal Integration Under the EC-Turkey Customs Union (free fulltext)
Serge Pannatier, La protection du milieu naturel antarctique et le droit international de l'environnement (free fulltext)
Articles : Current Survey
Antonio Tanca, La Politique Etrangere et de Securite Commune de l' Union europeenne en 1995 (free fulltext)
Book Reviews
Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider. Res publica res populi: Grundlegung einer Allgemeinen Republiklehre
(Ulrich R. Haltern free fulltext)
Decisions of the Bundesverfassungsgericht- Federal Constitutional Court - Federal Republic of Germany Vols. 1/I and 1/II International Law and Law of the Euro-pean Communities
(Ulrich R. Haltern free fulltext)
Valentine Korah. An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice. (5th ed.)
(JHH W free fulltext)
Elies Steyger. Europe and its Members. A Constitutional Approach
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John Pinder. European Community: The Building of a Union (2nd ed.)
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Corbett Richard, Francis Jacobs, Michael Shackleton. The European Parliament (3rd ed.)
, Geoffrey Edwards, David Spence. The European Commission
, Martin Westlake. The Council of the European Union
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Joachim Jens Hesse, Nevil Johnson. Constitutional Policy and Change in Europe
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Finn Laursen. The Political Economy of European Integration
, Patricia W. Birne, Alan Boyle. Basic Documents on International Law and The Environment
, Thomas C. Fischer. The Europeanization of America: What the Americans Need to Know about the European Union
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