Issue Vol. 7 (1996) No. 3


  • Bernard H. Oxman,
    The Rule of Law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (free fulltext)
  • Olivier de Schutter,
    Sur l'emergence de la societe civile en droit international : le role des associations devant la Cour europeenne des drits de l'homme (free fulltext)


  • Steve Peers,
    Living in Sin: Legal Integration Under the EC-Turkey Customs Union (free fulltext)
  • Serge Pannatier,
    La protection du milieu naturel antarctique et le droit international de l'environnement (free fulltext)

Articles : Current Survey

  • Antonio Tanca,
    La Politique Etrangere et de Securite Commune de l' Union europeenne en 1995 (free fulltext)

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

  • Christian Deubner. Deutsche Europapolitik: Von Maastricht nach Kerneuropa? (H. Etienne)
  • Hans Van Houtte. The Law of International Trade (JHH W)
  • Valentine Korah. An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice. (5th ed.) (JHH W)
  • Elies Steyger. Europe and its Members. A Constitutional Approach (JHH W)
  • John Pinder. European Community: The Building of a Union (2nd ed.) (JHH W)
  • Corbett Richard, Francis Jacobs, Michael Shackleton. The European Parliament (3rd ed.) , Geoffrey Edwards, David Spence. The European Commission , Martin Westlake. The Council of the European Union (JHH W)
  • Joachim Jens Hesse, Nevil Johnson. Constitutional Policy and Change in Europe (JHH W)
  • Finn Laursen. The Political Economy of European Integration , Patricia W. Birne, Alan Boyle. Basic Documents on International Law and The Environment , Thomas C. Fischer. The Europeanization of America: What the Americans Need to Know about the European Union (JHH W)
  • Pierre-Marie Dupuy. Grands textes de droit international public , Louis Dubouis, Claude Gueydan. Grands textes de droit communautaire et de l'Union europĂ©enne (4th ed.) , Kees Jan Kuilwijk. The European Court of Justice and the GATT Dilemma: Public Interest versus Individual Rights? (JHH W)